What Are the Most Common Cases of False Accusations in Seattle?

Being accused falsely can be highly distressing because the legal ramifications can be severe enough to ruin your life. You could hope the court will eventually discover the truth before convicting you to acquit you of the charges, but this doesn’t always happen. People mostly accuse others falsely to get revenge or to harass them, especially in divorce cases.

Typical cases of false accusations include domestic violence, physical assault, sexual assault, and robbery. Whatever kind of false accusation has been leveled against you, knowing how to defend yourself is crucial, as that can make all the difference in your case. Skilled Seattle criminal justice attorneys can provide legal guidance and help you create a solid defense strategy.

What Should I Do If Arrested on False Accusations?

It is reasonable to want to be defensive or frustrated when accused falsely, but this would hurt your case. Seattle domestic violence lawyers advise maintaining your composure, keeping in mind that your accuser is probably collecting more evidence to support their accusations, which may include your actions before and during the trial.

Acting impulsively or out of range could put your case in jeopardy, especially if the accusation is an element of a broader issue such as domestic violence or child custody. Maintaining composure is crucial in defending yourself and gives your lawyers a better chance of succeeding.

Articulate the “Why”

For your Seattle domestic violence lawyers to effectively defend you, they need to understand the basis of the accusations or the “why.” Some crucial questions your lawyers could ask in trying to create a strong defense strategy are:

  • Why would the other party accuse you falsely?
  • What is the other party’s motivation for doing this?
  • What facts are misrepresented?
  • What is the whole story?
  • Is there any evidence available, and how can it be obtained?
  • How will a judge or a third party understand the accusations?
  • How should you best lay out your case?

Experienced lawyers who have handled such cases know that answering the “why” requires taking sufficient time to listen to all the facts without judgment while asking critical questions. Thorough investigations help in case preparation and improve the chances of a favorable outcome. Give your lawyer as much information as you know for effective defense.

Gather Evidence that Could Help Your Case

Your lawyers can help you collect crucial evidence that supports your defense. For example, if accused of domestic violence and you’re the victim, get copies of your medical records for treating your injuries. Video footage, witnesses’ statements, and accounts of the incidents could help your case.

Plea Bargain

Depending on the evidence brought against you, your lawyers could advise you to enter a plea agreement with the prosecutor. The deal entails pleading guilty to a lesser charge instead of risking a conviction, permanent criminal record, or harsher sentence.

Once your lawyer conducts their investigation and reviews the evidence against you, they can advise if the option is in your best interests.

What Are Possible Defenses to False Allegations of Criminal Activity?

After investigating your case and listening to your side of the story, your domestic violence attorneys in Seattle can help you determine the best strategy to use in your defense. Possible defenses are the following, depending on the facts around your case and the evidence you collected:


Your lawyers can help you establish an alibi, which means proving that you were at a different place than where the alleged crime happened when it happened. Documentation such as emails, receipts, and GPS data could help prove where you were when the alleged offense occurred.

Witness statements could also be instrumental in establishing an alibi. It can drastically strengthen your claim of innocence if they confirm you were somewhere else when the alleged incident happened.

Challenge the Accuser’s Credibility

The credibility of your accuser is crucial in determining your guilt or innocence. Skilled criminal justice attorneys in Seattle can examine all the available evidence to cast doubt on your accuser’s credibility. The strength of this defense lies in reviewing any potential motives your accuser might have for making false accusations.

For example, if your accuser is your ex-spouse with whom you have a child custody case in battle, it could be their motive for accusing you falsely to dampen your chances of being awarded custody. Additionally, your lawyers could examine your accuser’s background for information that could challenge their credibility.

What Should I Not Do If Falsely Accused of a Crime?

You know you are innocent and didn’t commit the crime you’re accused of, but not everyone thinks you’re guilty. However, what you do or don’t do could make or break your case. Seattle domestic violence attorneys strongly advise against doing the following:

  • Talking to or having any contact with your accuser
  • Destroying any evidence that you think could hurt your case
  • Speaking to the police, criminal investigator, or prosecutor without your lawyer
  • Consenting to a DNA test or any other test that the police request without your attorney being present

A Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney Defending You Against False Accusations

In any criminal case, retaining experienced criminal defense attorneys who can build a solid defense strategy on your behalf is essential. It’s imperative that they aggressively defend you against false accusations of illegal activity to avoid being punished for something you didn’t do. A skilled attorney with in-depth knowledge of the law and court procedures to help you navigate the complex situation.

The Law Office of Kevin Trombold has aggressive domestic violence lawyers who offer legal counsel and representation for those falsely accused of domestic violence. We have decades of experience in criminal law, and our firm is well-known for providing effective representation. If you or your loved one has been accused falsely, call our office at 206-590-7667 for a FREE case assessment.